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Draper Lab Gets $66M Modification on Navy Trident Missile Guidance Tech Contract

Draper Lab Gets $66M Modification on Navy Trident Missile Guidance Tech Contract - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Draper Lab Gets $66M Modification on Navy Trident Missile Guidance Tech Contract - top government contractors - best government contracting eventCharles Stark Draper Laboratory has received a three-year, $65.5 million contract modification to produce guidance technology for the U.S. Navy‘s submarine-launched ballistic missile systems.

Draper will also conduct failure verification, test, repair and recertification of inertial measurement units, electronic assemblies and electronic modules of the Trident D5 MK 6 guidance system, the Defense Department said Tuesday.

The award modifies a previously awarded contract that has a potential ceiling value of $370.2 million if all options are exercised.

DoD expects work under the modification to finish by Jan. 30, 2021.

The Strategic Systems Programs will obligate $63.8 million in fiscal 2017 Navy weapons procurement funds plus $1.8 million in U.K. government funds at the time of award.

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Written by Joanna Crews

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