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Lockheed, Indra Extend Radar Devt Collaboration for Spanish Navy’s F-110 Frigate Program

Lockheed, Indra Extend Radar Devt Collaboration for Spanish Navy's F-110 Frigate Program - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Lockheed, Indra Extend Radar Devt Collaboration for Spanish Navy's F-110 Frigate Program - top government contractors - best government contracting eventLockheed Martin signed a heads of agreement with Indra to extend a collaborative effort to develop S-band active electronically scanned array radar systems for the Spanish navy’s F-110 shipbuilding program.

Lockheed said Tuesday the F-110 multimission surface vessel is designed to feature the Aegis Combat System configured to detect asymmetric and conventional threats that affect coastline missions.

Production of the first F-110 warship is slated to commence sometime in 2018 and the S-band radar-equipped ship is scheduled to be commissioned in 2023.

“Our history working with Indra and our complimentary investments in solid state radar technology make this a natural extension for our partnership and we look forward to seeing this solid state radar aboard F-110 and future air defense platforms around the world,” said Michele Evans, vice president of Lockheed’s integrated warfare systems and sensors unit.

The partnership agreement also creates framework for both companies to potentially market the AESA technology for anti-air warfare applications worldwide.

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Written by Scott Nicholas

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