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Australia to Invest $659M in P-8A Aircraft Training System, Facilities

Australia to Invest $659M in P-8A Aircraft Training System, Facilities - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Australia to Invest $659M in P-8A Aircraft Training System, Facilities - top government contractors - best government contracting eventAustralia’s defense department plans to invest $659 million in funds to support the operations of Boeing-built P-8A Poseidon maritime surveillance aircraft.

The Australian government will spend $250 million on a Boeing training simulator system at the country’s air force base in Edinburgh as well as $409 million to upgrade base facilities, with an early 2019 completion date, Australia’s defense department said Nov. 19.

Christopher Pyne, Australian minister for defense industry, said the investment will create 70 jobs and will support plans to grow the operations of RAAF Base Edinburgh.

Australian Defense Minister Marise Payne noted that the training systems will help prepare pilots and servicemen for real-life scenarios.

She added that the defense department aims to extend the runway and build new maintenance hangars and facilities at RAAF Edinburgh to prepare the base for Poseidon planes.

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Written by Ramona Adams

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