Guardtime and Siemens are part of a team that received a multimillion dollar contract from the Energy Department to develop a blockchain-based technology platform that will work to help secure U.S. energy grid from emerging cyber threats.
Both companies will also work with DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Labs, Washington State University, Tennessee Valley Authority and the Defense Department‘s Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center to produce a blockchain keyless signature infrastructure technology, Guardtime said Thursday.
Michael Mylrea, PNNL’s primary investigator for the project, said he believes the size, complexity and speed of energy-related data and transaction exchange increase exponentially as the country’s energy infrastructure upgrades.
The team seeks to incorporate real time response, autonomous detection and automated data exchange platforms to address management and security challenges in energy delivery systems.
Guardtime added the project aims to automate, monitor and audit complex exchanges of energy at the grid’s edge with blockchain technology.