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BAE Unit Gets Navy LCS Post-Shakedown Availability Contract Options

BAE Unit Gets Navy LCS Post-Shakedown Availability Contract Options - top government contractors - best government contracting event

BAE Unit Gets Navy LCS Post-Shakedown Availability Contract Options - top government contractors - best government contracting eventA business unit of BAE Systems has received $24.4 million in contract options to support post-shakedown availabilities for two U.S. Navy littoral combat ships.

BAE’s San Diego Ship Repair business will provide manpower, technical data, material, non-standard equipment and support services necessary to complete PSA work on USS Gabrielle Giffords and USS Omaha.

The contractor will also help the Navy correct government-responsible trial card deficiencies, perform various activities identified between the custody transfer and PSA and incorporate approved engineering modifications into the LCS units.

The service branch obligated $21.2 million in shipbuilding, conversion and “other” procurement funds at the time of award.

Work will occur in San Diego, California, through October 2018.

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Written by Scott Nicholas

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