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Austal USA-Led Team Delivers Omaha LCS to Navy

Austal USA-Led Team Delivers Omaha LCS to Navy - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Austal USA-Led Team Delivers Omaha LCS to Navy - top government contractors - best government contracting eventAn Austal USA-led team has delivered the sixth of Independence-class littoral combat ship to the U.S. Navy for mine countermeasures, anti-submarine and surface warfare missions.

The Navy said Monday its acceptance of USS Omaha represents the final milestone before the military branch commissions the new warship in early 2018.

USS Omaha will be homeported in San Diego, California, alongside USS Freedom, USS Independence, USS Fort Worth, USS Coronado, USS Jackson, USS Montgomery and USS Gabrielle Giffords.

The Navy contracted another industry team, led by Lockheed Martin, to design and build Freedom-class LCS for the service branch.

Each LCS is designed with a mission package composed of modules, warfighting systems and support equipment.

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Written by Scott Nicholas

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