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VA Eyes Sofware-as-a-Service Model for VistA EHR System

VA Eyes Sofware-as-a-Service Model for VistA EHR System - top government contractors - best government contracting event

VA Eyes Sofware-as-a-Service Model for VistA EHR System - top government contractors - best government contracting eventThe Department of Veterans Affairs has posted a request for information on cloud-based commercial platforms in a move to identify a potential alternative for VA’s electronic health record system.

VA said Wednesday in a FedBizOpps notice the department is interested in a software-as-a-service model to manage the Veterans Information Systems and Technology Architecture platforms that are not fully modernized.

The RFI focuses on VistA’s EHR component but VA also wants options for the system’s administrative, financial, business and other functionalities for potential use in a transition.

VA looks to identify offerings that can provide a standardized commercialized VistA or an as-a-service system for department-wide use.

Proposed platforms should also be able to consolidate legacy data from 130 VistA instances at five data centers to a single VistA instance in a commercial cloud environment as well as provide intrusion monitoring and auditing.

Responses should include detailed application level security and methods to remove, reduce, eliminate of mitigate vulnerabilities to VistA data, VA said.

The department will accept input from interested vendors through April 26.

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Written by Ramona Adams

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