The Defense Department has awarded $47 million in total grants to 160 university researchers at 84 institutions to help them purchase equipment for defense research and student research training.
DoD said Thursday its service research offices received 685 proposals for the fiscal 2017 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program and selected meritorious submissions that tackle science and engineering research to support national defense efforts.
Dale Ormond, principal director for research at DoD, said that DURIP instrumentation awards help universities acquire laboratory instrumentation commonly unattainable through research grants.
Selected research proposals include work on acoustics, computing and networks, electromagnetics, electronics, electro optics, engineering, fluid dynamics, life sciences, manufacturing science, neuroscience, quantum and nanosciences, robotics and artificial intelligence.
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Army Research Office and Office of Naval Research administered the awards via a jointly conducted merit competition.
The full list of winning proposals can be found here.