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Technology CEO Council Recommends $1T Cost Reduction Plan for Trump Administration

Technology CEO Council Recommends $1T Cost Reduction Plan for Trump Administration - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Technology CEO Council Recommends $1T Cost Reduction Plan for Trump Administration - top government contractors - best government contracting eventA new report from the Technology CEO Council outlines ways the federal government could save approximately $1 trillion in the next decade through the implementation of modern technologies.

The report titled “The Government We Need” has been shared with President Donald Trump’s team including Vice President Mike Pence and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, TCC said Jan. 12.

TCC estimated that the government could save $500 billion in the supply chain and acquisition area; $270 billion through the prevention of fraud and improper payments; and $205 billion through big data, analytics and cognitive computing.

Technology CEO Council Recommends $1T Cost Reduction Plan for Trump Administration - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Cameron Chehreh

Cameron Chehreh, Dell EMC‘s federal chief technology officer, told ExecutiveBiz the federal government could achieve cost savings through digital transformation with an IT workforce that is willing to learn about and try new technologies.

“It is important that federal employees recognize outdated infrastructure as a hindrance of digital transformation and view its replacement as an opportunity,” Chehreh said.

He added chief information officers should identify modernization as an agency priority and highlight the potential of virtualized, software-based environments to prepare the federal workforce for digital transformation.

The study also identified information technology modernization, shared services and energy use as cost reduction areas where the government could save $110 billion,  $47 billion and $3 billion, respectively.

Mobile technology could lessen costs through “improved efficiencies” while cybersecurity presents an opportunity for cost avoidance, according to the report.

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Written by Ramona Adams

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