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SAP NS2’s Mark Testoni: Education, Tech, Cooperation Key in Ransomware Mitigation Efforts

SAP NS2's Mark Testoni: Education, Tech, Cooperation Key in Ransomware Mitigation Efforts - top government contractors - best government contracting event
SAP NS2's Mark Testoni: Education, Tech, Cooperation Key in Ransomware Mitigation Efforts - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Mark Testoni

Mark Testoni, president and CEO of SAP National Security Services, has said he believes public sector agencies can mitigate ransomware attacks through innovation, education and collaboration with companies.

Testoni wrote in a guest post published Tuesday on GCN that data from human sources and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems must be incorporated in real time to help prevent ransomware events.

He added that agencies should integrate human analysis and insights from artificial intelligence to analyze all potential threats.

“Because they test and deploy new technologies important to national security, commercial enterprises are on the front lines of a modern-day defense strategy,” Testoni noted.

The SAP NS2 CEO said private entities should collaborate with agencies to secure the government’s critical networks.

Government officials should also foster personnel training and policy enforcement to boost security, Testoni noted.

He suggested ransomware victims can cooperate with the FBI to help bring back functionality and detect the source of attacks.

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Written by Ramona Adams

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