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DLT Solutions Partnership to Offer Flash Storage Products in Public Sector

DLT Solutions Partnership to Offer Flash Storage Products in Public Sector - top government contractors - best government contracting event

DLT Solutions Partnership to Offer Flash Storage Products in Public Sector - top government contractors - best government contracting eventPure Storage has teamed up with DLT Solutions to offer all-flash storage products in the public sector as both companies aim to help customer agencies meet information technology modernization goals.

DLT said Thursday that Pure Storage’s FlashArray//M will work to help federal clients manage data intensive applications while the Pure Storage FlashArray is designed to address government agencies’ scalability requirements and equipped with rapid data locking and data-at-rest encryption tools.

Jim Propps, vice president of enterprise platforms and enterprise data management at DLT, said the company also seeks to grow its data management portfolio through partnership with Pure Storage.

The National Information Assurance Partnership granted Common Criteria Certification to the FlashArray//M storage after NIAP found the appliance complies with testing and technical security requirements set forth by the National Security Agency.

The Pure Storage FlashArray is now available to agencies through DLT’s position on the General Services Administration Schedule contract.

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Written by Mary-Louise Hoffman

is a writer of news summaries about executive-level business activity in the government contracting sector. Her reports for ExecutiveBiz are focused on trends and events that drive the GovCon industry to include commercial technologies that private companies are developing for federal government use. She contributes news content to ExecutiveBiz’s sister sites GovCon Wire and ExecutiveGov.

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