The Transportation Department has awarded a $6 million grant to a Battelle-backed team for a dedicated short-range communications system in central Ohio to support testing and research on connected and autonomous vehicles.
Battelle said Thursday it has helped build the winning bid from the Dublin, Marysville and Union counties in Ohio to secure the grant to expand fiber optics and smart mobility technologies along the Northwest U.S. 33 Smart Mobility Corridor.
The project aims to support development efforts in smart mobility technology across the automotive sector, the nonprofit company said.
Doug McCollough, chief information officer of the city of Dublin, said the introduction of connected vehicle and autonomous vehicle testing in the region works to drive economic development and foster a community for technology-focused businesses and residents.
Battelle has also secured two Federal Highway Administration contracts worth approximately $182 million combined for research on connected vehicles, work zones, congestion management and other topics that impact traffic management.