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Artis to Install, Evaluate Active Protection System on Army Fighting Vehicle

Artis to Install, Evaluate Active Protection System on Army Fighting Vehicle - top government contractors - best government contracting event

ArmyGroundVehicleArtis has secured a potential $32 million contract to integrate and characterize a  company-built active protection system onto a fighting vehicle of the U.S. Army.

The company said Wednesday it aims to demonstrate the performance of the Iron Curtain APS in multiple scenarios under the first phase of the contract.

The Army can also request for additional testing and low-risk development efforts based on needs, available funds and program progress, Artis added.

The service branch’s Tank Automotive Research and Development Center and program executive office for ground combat systems co-manage the contract.

The Iron Curtain features dual sensors designed to prevent false alarms and works to engage threats with minimal collateral damage.

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Written by Ramona Adams

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