The Administrative Office of the United State Courts has awarded Salient CRGT a potential five-year, $30 million task order to build and implement a business intelligence platform for the judiciary data and analysis office within AOUSC’s Department of Program Services.
Salient CRGT said Tuesday it will design, develop and test software and data visualization tools for the DPS/JDAO’s Integrated Enterprise Data Warehouse.
The data warehouse will be built to help the judiciary organization integrate disparate information from various sources, Salient CRGT noted.
Tom Ferrando, Salient CRGT president, said the company aims to help customers modernize its systems and manage multisource data.
The company will continue to provide IEDW operation and maintenance services as well as business intelligence and data integration and governance support to DPS/JDAO after the implementation of the system.
The task order was awarded through the Judiciary Multiple-Award Schedule IV contract vehicle.