Jack London, CACI executive chairman and chairman of the board, has received the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s Lifetime Distinguished Service Award for his role in helping veterans access business opportunities.
CACI said Wednesday London, a former naval aviator and carrier pilot with the U.S. Navy, has supported veteran transition to civilian life for more than 40 years and regularly participates in veteran talks on leadership, opportunity and the importance of character.
He also donates proceeds from his book “Character: The Ultimate Success Factor” to a wounded warriors support organization called Comfort for America’s Uniformed Services or CAUSE, where he is a member of the board of directors.
“On behalf of the people of CACI, more than a quarter of whom are veterans, I would like to congratulate Dr. London on receiving this award from the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce,” said Ken Asbury, CACI president and CEO.
Asbury added London’s dedication to assist former servicemen contributes to the company’s standing as an employer for veterans.