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Army Places Order for INVISIO Communication, Hearing Protection System

Army Places Order for INVISIO Communication, Hearing Protection System - top government contractors - best government contracting event

INVISIO Image_2INVISIO has received a one-year, $11.8 million order from the U.S. Army for hearing protection and communication systems in support of the service branch’s Tactical Communication and Protective System modernization program.

The audio communications company said Wednesday that it will supply TCAPS with a system designed to help facilitate communication, provide hearing protection and retain situational awareness to users.

INVISIO added that it has worked under the program since 2013, when the company’s system was approved as the Army seeks to enhance user communication and reduce hearing loss risk.

TCAPS is a project that seeks to provide warfighters with ear protection and auditory situation awareness devices to support hearing readiness and prevent hearing damage due to high noise exposure.

TEA Headsets is the main contractor for the project.

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Written by Dominique Stump

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