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Raytheon to Purchase Ultra Electronics Ruggedized Networking Switch for Patriot System

Raytheon to Purchase Ultra Electronics Ruggedized Networking Switch for Patriot System - top government contractors - best government contracting event

PatriotMissileA Raytheon business segment has awarded Ultra Electronics a $9.3 million supply subcontract for networking switch product and spare parts to be installed on a weapons system.

Raytheon’s integrated defense systems unit will integrate the RiQ Ruggedized Networking Switch onto the Patriot air and missile defense system, Ultra Electronics said Tuesday.

The RIQ will work to serve as a base for transition of the Patriot units to an IP based system in an effort to extend its current life span.

Patriot is a long-range, high-altitude defense system Raytheon designed to counter threats such as missiles, drones and aircraft.

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Written by Scott Nicholas

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