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HyTrust’s Eric Chiu: Encryption to Gain Prominence in 2016

HyTrust’s Eric Chiu: Encryption to Gain Prominence in 2016 - top government contractors - best government contracting event

cybersecurityEric Chiu, president of HyTrust, believes 2016 will be the year of encryption as organizations have encountered what he calls “avoidable damage” due to lack of encryption this year, Infosecurity Magazine reported Dec. 22.

Chiu told the magazine’s Tara Seals he expects the “Internet of attack surface” to expand in the coming year.

“As more and more objects come to join the Internet of Things, the world will be increasingly exposed to just how ghastly and ugly things can get when you have old open source with well-known, documented vulnerabilities going unpatched for long periods of time,” Chiu told Infosecurity Magazine.

He said automotive security will also raise concerns in next year, with key fob code theft and car Wi-Fi hacking expected to dominate 2016, according to the report.

“When a hacker changes some numbers in a database somewhere, it is one thing,” Chiu told the magazine.

“When a hacker pitches your car into a spin on the highway by ordering full ABS stop on the left side and no brakes on the right it is a considerably different situation,” he said.

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Written by Jay Clemens

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