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David Wennergren: Agencies Need IT-Savvy Acquisition Personnel

David Wennergren: Agencies Need IT-Savvy Acquisition Personnel - top government contractors - best government contracting event
David Wennergren
David Wennergren

David Wennergren, senior vice president of technology at the Professional Services Council, believes government agencies need what he called information technology-savvy acquisition professionals to achieve their goals, FCW reported Friday.

Wennergren said the government lacks enough federal technology professionals to perform IT development works at present, Sean Lyngaas and Mark Rockwell report.

He told FCW that 50 percent of the acquisition workforce holds fewer than 10 years of experience and 25 percent with fewer than five years’ experience.

Wennergren noted, however, that the risk aversion factor poses a greater challenge to government procurement than the scarcity of IT-savvy personnel, according to the report.

He said acquisition personnel need to be able to ask the right questions in order to address IT issues without having to possess highly technical IT knowledge, FCW reports.

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Written by Jay Clemens

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