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XL Associates Launches Fresh Mitigation Tool for Cyber Threats; Bill Weber Comments

XL Associates Launches Fresh Mitigation Tool for Cyber Threats; Bill Weber Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event

cybersecurityXL Associates Inc. has unveiled a new cyber threat mitigation service offering that is intended to help federal agencies respond to notices generated by the government’s threat reduction tool.

XTract is designed to prioritize large volumes of notices produced by the Einstein 3 Accelerated tool into a few incidents for agencies to act on specific threats, XLA said Thursday.

Bill Weber, president of XLA, said the new service aims to help “agencies find and eradicate previously unknown threats on their networks.”

Officials can also use the tool in developing  policies to counter future threats, XLA says.

“In the wake of the [Office of Personnel Management] data breach, agencies are looking for better ways to identify and mitigate IT security threats,” added Weber.

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Written by Jay Clemens

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