Mark Testoni, president and CEO of SAP National Security Services, has observed espionage methods being used in cyberspace are somewhat similar to tactics that spies use in the physical world, Defense Systems reported Thursday.
He told Defense Systems in an interview that many hacking groups target the private sector and he believes the U.S. should approach cyber domain in the same way as a physical battlefield.
“We have to go on the attack and punish those that are trying to get on the inside.”
“Whether you’re a state actor, you’re some sort of a non-state actor affiliation… if you come after us, you’re going to pay a price – much like if you were to attack our military overseas or our homeland.”
Testoni, an inductee into Executive Mosaic’s Wash100 list for 2015, also noted government and industry collaboration as key to address the U.S.’ cybersecurity issues.