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i360Gov: Federal Execs Point to Lack of Knowledge on Applications Portfolio

i360Gov: Federal Execs Point to Lack of Knowledge on Applications Portfolio - top government contractors - best government contracting event

surveyA new i360Gov survey report on application portfolio management in the government indicates that some federal executives lack awareness or knowledge about their agencies’ applications portfolio.

The company said Monday a majority of the 112 respondents from the federal government have not had a comprehensive portfolio analysis, while 87 respondents have not determined which applications need to be retired.

“Understanding how your application portfolio functions is a critical first step in optimizing its performance and making sure it meets your agency’s needs,” said Jon Morton, i360Gov’s publisher.

“Knowledge of your portfolio helps an agency lower costs, mitigate risks and plan for the future.”

The report noted that while 94 were confident that there is no conflict between their applications and agency mission goals, the average level of confidence is 1.8 on a scale of 1 to 5 regarding their understanding of application downtime costs.

The “Application Portfolio Management Survey Underscores Need for Greater Awareness” report is part of i360Gov’s Proof Points survey series, the company said.

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Written by Anna Forrester

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