CAE has provided the Royal Australian Navy with simulation technology products designed to train pilots on how to operate an MH-60R Seahawk helicopter.
The company said Wednesday its MH-60R tactical operational flight training system and avionics maintenance and weapons load trainer platform are installed at the HMAS Albatross naval facility in New South Wales.
“CAE is proud to have delivered them on-time and is committed to providing long-term service and support,” said Ray Duquette, president and general manager of CAE USA.
The Seahawk TOFT is built to operate with a weapons tactics trainer or as a standalone training system and includes an electric motion system, motion seats, a visual display, an image generator and a common database architecture.
CAE was awarded contracts in 2012 and 2013 to produce two Seahawk TOFTs and an AM/WLT for Australia through the U.S.’ foreign military sales program.