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IDC: ‘Third Platform’ Could Help Public Sector Engage Citizens

IDC: 'Third Platform' Could Help Public Sector Engage Citizens - top government contractors - best government contracting event

ITAn International Data Corp. subsidiary has designed a framework that seeks to help government information technology leaders encourage citizen participation with third platform and connected devices.

IDC Government Insights forecasts that more than half of public-sector organizations that provide services to the public will invest at least a quarter of their budgets in Internet of Things and third platform computing tools by 2020, IDC said Thursday.

“Government executives who want to drive citizen value should invest in third platform technologies and address the organizational change issues that will be encountered,” said Massimiliano Claps and Alan Webber, research directors at IDC Government Insights.

The organization identified five maturity levels of citizen experience as the ad hoc, opportunitic, repeatable, managed and optimized phases.IoT news ad

The research firm believes the tools can help organizations deliver services as well as accelerate development of connected devices, natural interfaces, robots and cognitive computing systems.

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Written by Mary-Louise Hoffman

is a writer of news summaries about executive-level business activity in the government contracting sector. Her reports for ExecutiveBiz are focused on trends and events that drive the GovCon industry to include commercial technologies that private companies are developing for federal government use. She contributes news content to ExecutiveBiz’s sister sites GovCon Wire and ExecutiveGov.

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