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Intelsat, Kymeta Form Joint Development Program for Satellite Applications

Intelsat, Kymeta Form Joint Development Program for Satellite Applications - top government contractors - best government contracting event

satellite airforceIntelsat has partnered with Kymeta to develop the mTenna metamaterials-based, Ku-band satellite tracking antenna to support the Intelsat EpicNG satellite platform scheduled to launch in 2015.

“This [joint development program] is especially important as we begin to capitalize on the considerable opportunities that are opening to the sector with respect to connected mobility,” Stephen Spengler, Intelsat deputy chief executive officer, said Thursday.

The companies said mTenna works to bolster access to satellite applications and will be just one of several antenna and terminal technologies that they will jointly design and produce for the content delivery, maritime and aero mobility and wireless backhaul application verticals.

“This agreement and the resulting Ku-band antenna solutions will create new opportunities for mobility and machine-to-machine telecom applications across a variety of verticals and further our vision of enabling lower cost, high-speed satellite Internet connectivity anywhere in the world,” added Nathan Kundtz, Kymeta president and chief technology officer.

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Written by Anna Forrester

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