More than 300 business leaders from private equity firms and other companies are set to attend this year’s winter edition of the CONNECTpreneur forum, scheduled for Thursday in Tysons Corner, Va.
According to the event’s website, more than half of the attendees comprise CEO and founders with the remaining seats filled by angel investors and venture capitalists.
Tien Wong, CEO of Tech 2000 and Appnetic, spoke to ExecutiveBiz to give us a primer for the forum and described the different types of attendees at networking events such as CONNECTpreneur.
“More than half are founders, CXOs, and CEOs, and around 25% are angels, venture capitalists and other investors,” Wong told ExecutiveBiz.
“This month, we have a fireside planned with Chip Paucek, CEO and founder of 2U, and an investor panel with the top dealmakers in town.”
Wong will kick off the event with a keynote address, followed by the fireside portion with Paucek and then the company showcase portion will highlight six emerging businesses.
The event will close with an investor panel that will discuss trends in venture capital and early financing and time for networking after the panel concludes.
Click here to learn more about the event and attendees.