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Jeff Frazier: Wynyard Group Survey on Anti-Crime Software Points to Budget Concerns

Jeff Frazier: Wynyard Group Survey on Anti-Crime Software Points to Budget Concerns - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Wynyard GroupWynyard Group has released the findings of its survey on the use of crime-fighting software across U.S. law enforcement agencies and says budget limitations are the biggest challenge to implement the software.

The company reached out to 300 federal investigators, policy chiefs, analysts and other officials for the Wynyard Group Advanced Crime Analytics Survey and found only 35 percent of respondents use crime-fighting software, the company said Monday.

The majority of agencies that use the software apply it for drug-related crimes and more than 90 percent of all respondents see crime-fighting and crime analytics technology as part of future industry standards despite limited funds.

“The perception is that this technology is too expensive and too complicated, when in fact there are affordable options that are fast to deploy, easy to use, and provide valuable insights very quickly,” said Jeff Frazier, senior vice president for the Americas at Wynyard Group.

Crime-fighting software works to establish relationships or patterns between data on crime and other records, expedite crime-solving and leveraging electronic data from mobile phones, emails and social media, Wynyard Group said.

The company added that predictive analytics functions can help determine likely factors in crime and respondents believe those tools can help combat crime related to drugs, fraud, robbery and gang activity.

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Written by Anna Forrester

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