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Lockheed to Build Air Force Weapon, Sensor Data Visualization Software

Lockheed to Build Air Force Weapon, Sensor Data Visualization Software - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Lockheed Martin BlueLockheed Martin will develop software for the U.S. Air Force to plan air and missile defense missions with the goal of linking weapon and sensor data with map-based planning and other decision tools.

The U.S. Air Force Operations Center intends to integrate missile defense data sources into a single visualization platform so operators can generate and publish documents for planning tactical operations, Lockheed said Thursday.

Operators would also create an area air defense plan through that platform, the company says.

Lockheed will also build the software with open, non-proprietary software infrastructure in order to help the Air Force to quickly introduce new features and also integrate with legacy systems.

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Written by Ross Wilkers

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