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CGI Extends IT Support of Norway Oil, Gas Activities

CGI Extends IT Support of Norway Oil, Gas Activities - top government contractors - best government contracting event

CGI-logo - ExecutiveMosaicCGI has signed a four-year, $12.2 million contract with the Exploration and Production Information Management Association to run an information technology system that manages oil and gas activities in Norway and other countries.

Under the agreement, CGI will operate. the cloud-based License2Share information-sharing tool to support oil and gas exploration until 2017, the company said Thursday.

The contract is part of an ongoing partnership with EPIM since 2009, when CGI first deployed L2S.

L2S uses OpenText technology to gather industry information for sharing among operators, partners and other parties within their operating licenses.

CGI is also set to upgrade the portal and user interface of L2S and standardize. end-user support agreements with EPIM.

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Written by Elizabeth Leigh

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