Increasing use of mobile technologies in federal agencies are among several changes that federal agencies must keep up with and turn to their advantage AT&T‘s Chris Smith has told FCW.
Smith, vice president of technology for the company’s federal business organization, also highlighted cloud computing and the “Internet of Things” as having potential to transform operations in agencies.
He said mobility in particular will drive the public sector’s technology landscape for years to come in the areas of operations and IT infrastructure.
“Back in the 1990s we were dealing with second-generation cellular service. Now it’s full [wireless device and application] immersion,” he told FCW.
Mark Rockwell writes Smith also discussed in the interview. how the government could address legacy networks as technology advances.
Between 80 and 90 percent of agencies’ IT budgets are allocated to legacy systems, Smith said to FCW.
“That needs to be down to about 60 percent. Forty percent should go to new capabilities,” Smith said.